Daily Mileage
407 feet up
459 feet down
Single Cabin at Hikertown
Total Miles Hiked
Hours Spent Hiking
3 hours 59 minutes
The Best Part?
🌞Finishing this section of the hike and getting off the dirt road
What Did I Learn?
👉Long walks on straight dirt roads are boring.
Date Hiked
May 9, 2023
PCT Trail Journal: Day 28 Mile 528.0 to Hikertown
On day 28 of the PCT, from mile 528.0 to Hikertown, I woke up from an animal making grunting sounds at 4:45. It was cold! Around 30 f and there was frost on the inside of my tent. Hot coffee felt great!
Just down the road was a really good campsite at Mile 528.7. This is probably the one mentioned in the comments on FarOut. It was next to the road but down a huge embankment that totally protected it from the wind. Part of me wished I walked a little further and camped there.
This section was the worst for me
Imagine a long flat dirt road for as far as you can see. And imagine the end never arrives. It just goes on and on. That’s this section. On a more positive note, I saw new wildflowers and talked to a few NOBO hikers.
This day/section was hard for me. I felt low energy and just wanted it to be over. The miles dragged on and on. When you reach the canal, there are 2 miles left and they just feel like they take forever.
After the long slog, I made it to Hikertown just before noon. There weren’t a lot of other hikers around but it wasn’t too bad.
I chilled out in the central area, charged my devices, and chatted with other folks. I picked up my box and got a free shower from Bob.
Resupply and food are so hard!
I clearly don’t know how to resupply. I had way too much food and put some in the hiker box. I decided to keep most of it and managed to get most of it in my food bag.
I took a shower and it felt great. I sat around talking with hikers and chilled. It was cold but nice in the sun. I decided to stay in Hikertown instead of hiking on and got a tiny one-person cabin. I wasn’t in the best mood and didn’t feel like hiking more. Plus Hikertown wasn’t nearly as bad as all the northbounders said. I thought it was quite alright.
Later the Dutch girl, Lara, asked if I wanted to go with them to the WeeVil market. They have burgers, a market, and allowed PCT hikers to camp in their little yard. Of course, I said yes.
We got to the market and ordered food and beer. It was so fun to sit and chat. They were a fun trail family. They really improved my mood and current outlook on the trail. We discussed so many things and it made me want a trail family. During the day Majka said we should hike together. She’s right.
We got a ride back to Hikertown and I just sat in my cabin and ate more. Majka texted me that they were there! They were crazy and hiked 24 miles. They set up their tent in the wind and then hung out in my cabin. It was fun just chilling out of the wind. I’m so glad I had a cabin. It was super windy out and I was all comfy in a real bed out of the wind.
Read my PCT Trail Journal Day 27: Mile 549.0 TO 528.0
Read my PCT Trail Journal Day 24: Mile 578.1 to Tehachapi here
Read my PCT Trail Journal Day 23: Mile 597.3 to 578.1 here
Trail Self-Reflection

✨3 Things I’m Grateful For
1. Wildflowers
2. Getting to Hikertown (it wasn’t as bad as everyone said)
3. Finishing this section when the weather wasn’t too hot

✨3 Things I’m Excited About
1. The wind dying down
2. Getting a trail family
3. Figuring out how to thru-hike in a way that works well for me

🌟How Was Today? Did I enjoy it?
Today wasn’t awesome. I wasn’t feeling it. Maybe because I hiked too many miles yesterday? Or because this section was boring?

⛺How Was My Gear?
All good on the gear front! I wish my phone didn’t need to be charged so often (daily).

💪How did my Body Feel?
I felt tired and low energy today.
🍴How was my food situation?
Picked up my box at Hikertown and now have waaaay too much food. I will have to forego carrying water so I can carry all this food. Lol. I also went to a small market and had a good club sandwich!
🤔What did I learn and how will I action it?
I wasn’t feeling it today and just decided to rest. I hung out with other hikers and that felt good. Need to listen to myself more.
Map for Hiking the PCT
Maps are fun. Plus you should always have a paper map.
PCT National Geographic Maps
Map pack for the PCT (affiliate link)!
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