Daily Mileage
1781 feet up
3553 feet down
Hotel baby!
Total Miles Hiked
Hours Spent Hiking
4 hours 9 minutes
The Best Part?
🌞Getting to my hotel
What Did I Learn?
👉Tehachapi is a city meant for cars not walkers
Date Hiked
May 5, 2023
PCT Trail Journal: Day 24 Mile 578.1 To Tehachapi
Day 24 on the PCT from mile 578.1 to Tehachapi started with a bunch of rain during the night and I woke up in a cloud. I dreamed that I was swimming in a warm lake. It was so nice. Now I’m even dreaming about being warm again. Lol.
Here are the type of logistics you do all the time on the PCT:
There was a 12:41 pm bus at Highway 58 that I wanted to catch. It was 11.5 miles away. In 2 hours I typically hike 5-6 miles. This meant I needed 4 hours plus breaks to hike the 11.5 miles. I left around 7 am to give myself plenty of time. The next bus was at 5:41 pm and I definitely didn’t want to wait that long.
On a really exposed section, the wind was so cold it was giving me brain freeze. It was impressively cold. There were huge gusts and they were blowing me into the side of the mountain. I was happy it was into the mountain and not off the mountain.
I finally descended enough to see the desert floor and there was sun! You could see Highway 58 down below and I marched downward.
The landscape changed into Joshua Trees and wildflowers. The desert landscape is gorgeous! The last 2 miles are along the highway with cars whizzing by. I wondered if the cars noticed a hobo lady walking on the side 🤣.
I arrived at the Highway 58 overpass around 11:30. The bus didn’t arrive until 1 pm and I hung out with other hikers. Of course, the sun went away and we all started freezing to death again.
I Made It to Town!
The bus dropped me at the park and ride in downtown Tehachapi. I decided to walk to the post office to get my resupply package. It had all my food and laundry soap. Omg, it’s far.
I schlepped all the way over there and it was closed! They blew a transformer. I begged locals for a hitch and a nice guy from the car dealership gave me a hitch to the hotel. Thank goodness because I didn’t want to walk all that way again.
The hotel let me check in early. It was amazing to clean myself and my clothes. I kept smelling my clothes because they smelled so good. I was like wow, I’m fancy.
Then I walked another couple of miles to pick up my new backpack stays. Thank you Zpacks for sending that 💛💛💛. I stopped at Walmart to grab a few things. It was super busy and very overwhelming. There are just so many choices.
I schlepped all the way back to the hotel to finish my laundry. Then food time!
At TK’s pizza place I ordered:
– raspberry sour beer
– Antipasto salad
– Lasagna
Read my PCT Trail Journal Day 23: Mile 597.3 to 578.1 here
Read my PCT Trail Journal Day 22: Kelso Road to Mile 597.3
Read my PCT Trail Journal Day 21: Bird Spring Pass to Kelso Road here.
Trail Self-Reflection
✨3 Things I’m Grateful For
1. My sleep system keeping me warm
2. Joshua Trees and wildflowers
3. The Kern Regional Transport system
✨3 Things I’m Excited About
1. Rest day in Tehachapi
2. Town food!
3. New stays for my backpack frame
🌟How Was Today? Did I enjoy it?
Today was a pretty good day. There was a lot of hiking in the cold but that ended. Then I made it into town and lounged around in a real bed! Luxury!
⛺How Was My Gear?
My tent is good at keeping me dry and my sleep system keeps me warm.
💪How did my Body Feel?
My left knee felt was not super excited about the hike. Even after taking 3 ibuprofen. At night in the hotel it was extra unhappy. Rest is in order!
🍴How was my food situation?
I ate the last of my food while waiting for the bus plus an orange from the water cache. Then a beer, antipasto salad (my new favorite salad), lasagna, candy, and Hershey’s pie.
🤔What did I learn and how will I action it?
I walked 4 additional miles in Tehachapi and should consider how walkable towns are for rest days. Especially if I don’t want to walk a bunch more.
Map for Hiking the PCT
Maps are fun. Plus you should always have a paper map.
PCT National Geographic Maps
Map pack for the PCT (affiliate link)!
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